In February 2022, 15 new European Cluster Partnerships | Excellence covering different industrial ecosystems have started their activities. These consortia of clusters will be active for two years (from February 2022 until early 2024) and are the last generation of Partnerships benefitting from the financial support of European Commission’s COSME programme. In total, around 7 million EUR were granted to these Partnerships.
Such Partnerships were created to enhance cross-cluster collaboration, networking and learning among peers, towards the professionalisation of specialised and customised business support services to SMEs. Specifically, European Cluster Partnerships | Excellence are tasked with the following types of activities:
- Cluster excellence capacity-building actions such as:
- Development of cluster management skills
- Developing and implementing a comprehensive portfolio of new services for cluster members
- Implementation of joint activities, such as Business2Business (B2B) and Cluster2Cluster (C2C) collaboration
- Outreach and awareness-raising activities;
- Implementation of the ‘ClusterXchange’ scheme.
During their lifespan, the European Cluster Partnerships | Excellence will be running ClusterXchange, a mobility scheme providing financial support for short-term exchanges among actors such as cluster organisations and similar business network organisations, scaling-up support organisations and SMEs to better connect Europe’s industrial ecosystems. ClusterXchange facilitates transnational cooperation, peer learning, networking and innovation uptake between actors of different industrial ecosystems. Click here to learn more about ClusterXchange.
The new 15 European Cluster Partnerships | Excellence are:
- AgriFoodX5.0
- GreenTech
- 2.0
- HempCluB
- Hi-Tech-TEX
- Photonics4Industry
Each Partnership will focus on specific sectors and ideas. For instance, Hi-Tech-TEX will concentrate on new sustainable and cross-sectorial value chains towards excellence in Hi-Tech Textiles to foster the uptake of innovation and increasing competitiveness. Meanwhile, BIGINN’s objective will be to exploit the potential for innovation and international collaboration in the Big Science for the benefit of SMEs.
More detailed information about each and every Partnership will soon be available on the ECCP section dedicated to European Cluster Partnerships | Excellence.
European Cluster Partnerships for Excellence are transnational cluster partnerships selected under the European Cluster Excellence Programme as part of the European Commission’s COSME programme.